Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

1. Do you have a comparison chart showing how your software compares to other choices on the market?

2. I need support but am unable to call during your regular office hours. What can I do?

3. Can I order by check?

4. Do you have or are you planning a separate CrewMaster for Venture Crews?

5. What about Sea Scouts? Varsity Teams?

6. Do you offer a Girl Scout version of the software?

7. Do you offer a version for the American Heritage Girls?

8. Do you have a Mac version?

9. Do you have a Linux version?

10. I have misplaced the original CD that was originally shipped with my package. What should I do?

11. How can I create the Scoutbook export files for my Unit Advancement and our Annual Recharter?

12. How do we reregister the software to a new leader?

13. What if we try your software and find that it doesn't meet the needs of our unit?

TroopMaster/PackMaster Web 2.0 and TM 2.0 (desktop)

1. I just purchased the new TroopMaster/PackMaster Web 2.0. How do I import my data to get started?

2. I'm brand new to your software and there's a lot of data to enter. Are there any shortcuts?

3. Do you have any 'How-To' Videos to demonstrate use of the program? The new Web 2.0 version has so many features and it would be helpful to see them in action.

4. Can you allow multiple leaders to update the unit database from separate home computers?

5. Does Web 2.0 still sync with my older desktop software?

6. How can I import training data from

7. How do I change my password for login?

8. How do I define a more 'friendly name' for my site (e.g.

9. Can I use my own Domain Name?

10. I'm using the custom website feature. How can I create a direct link to one of my custom pages?

11. How are permissions to specific areas of the database controlled?

12. I'm having trouble sending email. Some of my recipients are not receiving our email message. What can I do?

13. We are receiving spam through our email groups that is being sent from someone who is not a member of our unit. How can we limit our groups so they can only be used by members in our database?

14. After converting my data from the old version, the Eagle Honor Roll report now lists duplicate members. Why?

15. How do I link two scouts together when they are in the same household?

16. Some of my adults are listed as 'Leaders' and some are not. How do I change the Leader status in their record?

17. When I run reports, some of the menu items don't fit in my browser window. What can I do?

18. I need to send reports to my scouts to keep them up to date with their latest advancement details. Can I email reports directly to my members?

19. I have a scout working toward Life and TroopMaster accepted both Swimming and Hiking as Eagle-required MBs even though both are from the same category. Why?

20. I need to edit the completion date for a merit badge but the system won't let me. What should I do?

21. When BSA adds a new merit badge or modifies requirements on existing merit badges, how do I make those changes in TroopMaster?

22. What are the R/P flags and how are they used?

23. How does the software compute service stars on the awards report?

24. I can't figure out how to get my perforated Award Cards or Merit Badge Blue Cards to print properly. What should I do?

25. I'm printing the Perforated Award Cards for my unit. Where can I get different images to include on my cards?

26. When I view activities, I don't see all of our unit's events. What is going on?

27. When we attend activities, some of our members either show up later or need to leave early. How can I credit attendance for scouts who attended a Campout or Serivce Project but who weren't present for the entire time?

28. When crediting attendance, how can I excuse a member from a particular activity so that it doesn't affect their overall attendance percentages?

29. What is the best way to enter Prior Totals for our members to track activities completed with another unit prior to joining our troop?

30. I see that we can track activity attendance for Adults but not for Parents. What's the difference between an Adult and a Parent in my database?

31. I see a new 'Credit Toward' feature when adding activities in the system. How is this used?

32. How can I create a recipient list based on a specific outing's RSVPs?

33. How does TroopMaster compute O/A eligibility?

34. I'm trying to generate a Tour Permit in the new program but no longer see this option on the reports menu. What should I do?

35. I need to credit an adult training course that's not on the menu and I don't have a course code for it. How can I add the course to the system?

36. When I run the Fundraiser Payment Status report, it shows different totals for the Total Sales or Payments Collected than I see on the Fundraiser Management screen. Why are these different?

37. I have a scout who has turned 18. How can I move him to the adult leaders file?

38. I received a transfer file of members from another Troop or Pack that is still using the old desktop version of the software. How can I import these members into my new Web 2.0?

39. I don't see an option to backup my database on the website. How are backups handled?

40. How do I get started with the new Merit Badge Counselor Console?

41. Can I run two copies of the program on the same computer?

42. How do I cancel my monthly recurring TroopMaster/PackMaster Web subscription or switch from monthly to an annual license?


1. Where Do I Find my Settings?

2. How do I setup a read-only account?

3. Does the mobile app require an internet connection?

4. I only see a portion of my activities. Why?

5. We have DotNet will this work with the new mobile app?

6. I cant find the mobile app in my app store. Where can I download it?

7. Where can I report suggestions for future enhancements?

Automated District Management System

1. Can I transfer data from ADMS to ScoutNET?

2. ADMS stores a lot of data. Is there a way to share data entry tasks with other district leaders?

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