New PackMaster Advancement Requirements
A new version of PackMaster is now available with all of the new rules changes for Advancement and Adventures for 2017.
IMPORTANT: If your unit is using PackMaster Web, you should check the current version of your desktop software through the Help>About option on the main menu. If you are using a version earlier than V4.05 please complete steps 1-6 (below) before downloading the update:
1) If your any of your members are using our PackMaster Mobile App (for phones and tablets), they should sync their phones with the website to submit any changes before proceeding with the rest of this process.
2) Check the File>PM-Mobile screen on your website to make sure any data updates submitted by your members have been approved/processed into your database.
3) You should then have your administrator sync the current version with your website so that any changes on your site can be downloaded to your desktop database.
4) After you have synced the desktop version with your website, you can then update your PackMaster to the latest version (using the download link below).
5) Once you have updated PackMaster, you should Sync with your website again to refresh the site with the new data and advancement requirements.
6) Finally, any members using the PackMaster Mobile App should sync with the site again to download the updated database and new advancement requirements.
Click here to download the Version V4.05e update.
NOTE: This update includes all of the new advancement requirement changes for 2017. Once you update to the new version, the old adventure requirements will no longer be in the system. If you would like to keep copies of the old adventure requirements, you should print any associated reports for your members before installing the update.