Reports, Reports, Reports!

Entering your data is one thing, but having an extensive variety of useful reports is the real benefit of computerizing your records. Our huge report selection allows you to view your data in a number of useful formats to meet your needs.

Scroll down to view a small sample of the many report options available. Click on any of the report thumbnails to view a full PDF copy of each report.

Activity Reports

Includes full details for selected activities including location, remarks, and full description of each activity. Also includes activity attendance details to view which members attended and the specific attendance marker for members who attended only a portion of the event.

Listing of activities along with a matrix for scout and/or adult attendance. This matrix includes totals for each member as well as a total for the entire unit such as camping nights or total hourse of service to the community.

Listing of activities for one or more activity types. Very useful to view activity history and see where your unit has been and what your members have been doing.

Activity and registration details for selected activities. Easily see RSVP, Payment, and Permission Slip Status for members who plan to attend each activity.

Matrix of attendance details for selected activities along with total attendance at each activity. Attendance marker can show both attendance or partial attendance for each member. For example, scouts who only attended a portion of a Service Project will display the specific number of hours worked by each member.

Includes total number of backpacking events attended by each member along with total nights camping and total miles hiked for all backpacking activities.

Provides a full list of activities attended for each member. Easily show your members exactly what activities they have attended, total activity amounts (camping nights, hiking miles, service hours, etc.), attendance percentages, etc.

Easily view attendance summary details for your entire unit. Includes total number of activities attended for each activity type along with total amount for each (camping nights, hiking miles, service hours, etc.). Quickly view details for your entire unit.

Quickly view member totals for selected activity types. Easily see total nights camping, service project hours, hiking miles, etc. on one convenient report.

Printable schedule of upcoming activities and events for your unit. Easily see scheduled activities along with details for each activity to aid your members in planning for which events they would like to attend and when these will occur. Available in both list or wall-calendar formats.

Adult Reports

Complete printout of all personal data for your adult members. Includes contact information, medical form dates, emergency contacts, prior service, leadership, awards, training, vehicles, etc.

Customizeable worksheet makes data collection quick and easy. Optionally include specific database fields or define your own column headers to collect data from your members at a meeting or other event.

Easily generate a report to find adults who either have or need a specific award or training course. Quickly find adults with expired training or who have not taken a course since a particular date and may need to be retrained.

Listing of special awards earned by each adult.

Phone list for your adult leaders. Also includes leadership position, address, and email.

List of training courses taken by each adult. Expired courses will be flagged automatically so you can easily see training that needs to be renewed.

Generate a matrix for specific training courses to easily see who has completed each course and which members have not. Easily see which courses would be the most beneficial to the largest number of members to aid with planning.

Detailed training status for your adult leaders. Shows current training status and any missing/expired training courses for each member based on their leadership position in the unit. Easily find adults who do not meet BSA criteria to be properly trained.

Advancement Reports

Complete advancement history on each scout. Includes full details for all Rank requirements, completed/partial Merit Badges, Special Awards, Leadership, Training, Order of Arrow, and more. A similar report is also available for Varsity, Venturing, and Sea Scouts.

Completed ranks can optionally list just the completion dates to help save space/paper when generating the report.

Highly detailed report showing your scouts what they have completed and exactly what is still required for their next rank advancement. Details such as the number of days remaining for Participation or Position of Responsibility as well as remaining Service Project hours are all included. For early ranks, specific details regarding the number of activities remaining are provided. For scout working on upper ranks, you will see the number of Merit Badges remaining, how many of these must be Eagle Required, and a list of exactly which Eagle badges the scout can choose from to complete the requirement. This sort of detailed guidance is a huge boost for scouts to help keep them on track and motivated for their next rank advancement.

Snapshot summary of progress toward next rank. Includes date of last rank and a list of requirements remaining toward each scout's next rank advancement. Very convenient to stay updated and to ensure your scouts are on track and progressing.

This report details all of the individual requirements necessary for each scout's next rank advancement showing exactly what has been completed and what (if anything) still remains. Also includes signature blocks for your Board members to sign-off on the completion of rank when you meet with the scout.

List of all Merit Badges earned by each of your scouts. You can also optionally include a date range to include just the badges that were earned during a specific time period (e.g., Merit Badge earned over the summer or during the previous year).

Matrix of Merit Badges makes it easy to see which scouts have completed selected badges and which have not. Easily select a list of Eagle Required badges or any combination of badges you choose. Very convenient when planning for summer camp or a Merit Badge college to see which scouts need particular badges and help get them signed up. Optionally, you can choose to include completion dates for badges on this report as well.

Listing of all partial Merit Badges current in progress for each scout. Includes details such as Percent Complete, Start/Last Progress dates, Counselor, Requirements Remaining, and Remarks for each badge.

Matrix report showing all of the requirements necessary for a specific merit badge and the scouts currently working on that badge. Convenient way for leaders and/or counselors to track these of requirements as scouts continue to work toward completion of the badge.

Matrix showing completion date or percentage for each rank badge. Also includes calculation for 'Average Time-To-First-Class' to see how quickly your scouts are progressing through the early ranks. A similar report is also available for Varsity, Venturing, Sea Scouts, National Outdoor, and Nova Awards as well.

List of all completed ranks and rank dates for each scout.

Easily generate a report to find scouts who either have or need a specific rank, merit badge, award, or training course. Also make it very easy to find scouts who need Service Project hours or Position of Responsibility to help them get these requirements completed.

Quickly locate scouts who are not advancing in a timely manner so you can more closely work with those boys to help get them promoted. Earning new ranks/awards is one of the primary factors for keeping scout interested and involved with your unit and to help them stick with scouting for the longer term. This report makes it a breeze to help keep everyone moving.

Matrix for upper rank scouts to see exactly where they stand in their progress toward the Eagle rank. Provides a quick overview of what still remains for upper rank scouts to advance and includes a Month-Til-18 column to help keep them on track with enough time to complete Eagle before they reach age 18.

Matrix for lower rank scouts to see their progress through the lowere ranks. Choose any combination of ranks or select specific requirements (such as Outdoor Skills) to help plan meetings and other events to aid in the completion of these requirements. Includes totals at the bottom of the matrix to make it easy to see which requirement(s) would benefit the greatest number of scouts.

Quickly generate a list of all ranks, merit badges, and awards earned since your last awards ceremony. Automatically includes awards earned during a specified starting/ending date range and can optionally look for earlier badges that weren't included on a previous report (i.e., badges earned earlier but that weren't entered into the system before you ran the previous report). Automatically generates an Awards Summary that acts as a 'shopping list' so you know exactly what you need on hand for the ceremony.

Why spend time filling out award cards by hand when your software can do it for you. Just one more way our programs help save you time. Include award cards automatically when you generate your Court of Honor report.

Using our perforated Award Card Paper, easily generate printed cards for your Court of Honor. TroopMaster can automatically produce cards for any combination of awards to help with your awards ceremony.

Save hours of filling out merit badge cards by hand and let the software do it for you. All of the details, including counselor data and a complete list of all requirements will automatically be included on each card making them easy for your counselors to track. If you are reprinting cards, any completed requirements will be marked on the new card as well.

NOTE: The official card is a three-section facsimile of the standard BSA cards. The right-hand portion is for quick reference when handing cards to your scouts and should be removed to leave the remainder of the official card.

When a scout is ready for Eagle and needs to complete the official BSA Eagle Application, you can generate this report to consolidate all of the information he will need for the official form. Previous rank, merit badge, leadership, and other important information is all included to make his job of completing the Eagle Application much easier and ensure accuracy on the official form.

Similar to the Eagle Application Assistance report, this option makes it easy to consolidate details when a scout has complete one of the Eagle Palms. Also includes appropriate signature blocks to complete the process.

Complete advancement history on each scout. Includes full details for all Rank requirements, completed/partial Merit Badges, Special Awards, Leadership, Training, Order of Arrow, and more. A similar report is also available for Boy Scouts, Venturing, and Sea Scouts.

Completed ranks can optionally list just the completion dates to help save space/paper when generating the report.

Complete advancement history on each scout. Includes full details for all Rank requirements, completed/partial Merit Badges, Special Awards, Leadership, Training, Order of Arrow, and more. A similar report is also available for Boy Scouts, Varsity, and Sea Scouts.

Completed ranks can optionally list just the completion dates to help save space/paper when generating the report.

Complete advancement history on each scout. Includes full details for all Rank requirements, completed/partial Merit Badges, Special Awards, Leadership, Training, Order of Arrow, and more. A similar report is also available for Boy Scouts, Varsity, and Venturing.

Completed ranks can optionally list just the completion dates to help save space/paper when generating the report.

Matrix showing completion date or percentage for each of the National Outdoor Awards. A similar report is also available for Rank Advancement, Varsity, Venturing, Sea Scouts, and Nova Awards as well.

Merit Badge
Counselor Reports

Full details for each counselor in the system. Includes contact information, training, certification, badges taught, etc.

List of all counselors current teaching merit badges to your scouts. Includes full details for each scout and the badge(s) they are currently working toward. Very useful to give to your counselors as an overview of the scouts they are currently working with.

Listing for all Merit Badges currently assigned to a counselor and a cross-reference index number for counselors for counselors who teach each badge.

Listing of all counselors in your database. Includes details such as Contact Info, BSA ID, Training/Certification Dates, and Badges Taught by each counselor.

List of all badges currently assigned to a counselor followed by all counselors assigned to that badge. Convenient way to find a counselor who teaches a specific merit badge when a scout is looking to get signed up.

List of Merit Badges that are not currently assigned to a counselor. Very helpful when trying to find new counselors to make sure your have available instructors when scouts would like to start a particular badge.

Choose one or more merit badges to get a quick list of counselors current who teach the selected badge(s).

Detailed training status for your merit badge counselors. Shows current training status and any missing/expired training courses for each counselor. Easily locate counselors who aren't properly trained or who need to renew their YPT.

Fundraiser Reports

Sales details for each scout including total quantity and dollar amount sold. Also includes payment collections and balance remaining.

Matrix of fundraiser payments detailing which scouts have turned in funds and what balances still remain. Matrix can also used for data collection to list when members make additional payments so you can later enter these payments into your database.

Matrix showing total number of products sold by each member. Include grand totals at the bottom to easily see total quantity needed for each type of product. Also includes total dollar amount sold by each scout for easy recogntion of 'best salesperson'.

Scout Reports

Complete printout of all personal data for your scout members. Includes contact information, medical form dates, emergency contacts, prior service, leadership, awards, training, parents, family vehicles, etc.

Listing of all past and present leadership positions for your scouts. Easily see who has been in specific positions to help ensure your members serve in a variety of leadership roles within the unit.

Roster of contact details for you unit's youth leadership. Includes primary Troop Leaders, Patrol Leaders, and Other Troop Leader positions currently held by your members.

List of training courses taken by each scout. Expired courses will be flagged automatically so you can easily see training that needs to be renewed.

Listing of email address for all Scouts, Parents, and Adults in your database.

Matrix report generally used for data collection. Optionally include select fields from your database or define your own column headers. Whether you need 5 colums or 50 colums, this report is great for tracking activity attendance or anything else you like.

Customizeable worksheet makes data collection quick and easy. Optionally include specific database fields or define your own column headers to collect data from your members at a meeting or other event.

View current status of all Health Forms and Tetanus shot for your members. Expired dates are automatically flagged on the report to make finding outdated forms quick and easy. Also useful for collecting data on new forms when they are submitted by your members.

Full details from the Medial block of your scout/adult records. Includes Emergency Contact, Health Form dates, Doctor, Insurance, Medications, Allergies, and more all on one convenient report. A great report to have on hand in the event of an emergency.

Quickly view total service years for each member in your unit. Totals include current service as well as prior service or leadership positions held with other units as well. Report also includes the anniversary date for each members service for more formal recognition of each new year.

Listing of current swimming level for each member in your unit along with the date of their last certification. Also include option Recertifiction or 'Buddy' column depending on your needs.

Basic details on your unit including Carter Organization, Meeting Location, O/A Chapter/Lodger details, etc.

Listing of contact information for your adults, scouts, and parents.

Roster of scouts and adults available in several formats, including sorting by patrol or by rank. Optionally include patrol leaders at the top of each patrol as well as Patrol Advisors who have been assigned to each patrol. Includes current rank, leadership positions, and more.

Listing of Special Awards earned by your unit or patrols.

Listing of all adults and parent vehicles in the system along with Drivers License, number of seat belts, and insurance details. Very convenient for finding potential drivers for your unit's outings.

Other Reports

Detailed report showing camping and O/A eligibility status for your members. See current rank, long-term and short-term totals to determine which members are eligible for election/recommendation.

Indivdiual Order of Arrow record showing all member details. Includes Election, Callout, Brotherhood, and Vigil as well as O/A Leadership.

Points of Contact allow you to track individuals who aren't directly associated with your unit but whom you still need to contact (BSA council/disctict leaders, business owners, etc.). Complete details for all Points of Contact in your database including contact information and special skills/interests.

Contact list for all Points Of Contact in your database. Includes contact information, and special skills/interests for each individual.

Custom reports are available for both scouts and adults. Choose from a variety of fields to generate quick reports containing just the data you choose.

Mailing labels are available for adults, merit badge counselors, points of contact, and scouts/parents.

Generate permission forms for outings and other events. Use our default form or customize the wording to meet your needs and even save different versions of your forms for different types of events.

Handy form for your scribe or other leader who handles merit badge booklets for your unit. Keep track of how many copies of each you currently have in your library and which scouts currently have books checked out.

Data collection forms are available for scouts, adults, counselors, and points of contact. Very helpful when new members join your unit to help collect all of the necessary data.

Advancement data collection forms are available for boy scouts, varsity, venturing, or sea scout awards. Great for getting a complete record of these details when new members transfer into your unit.