Information and Announcements

01/09/25 - New New Merit Badge requirements for 2025.

Updated release for TroopMaster to incorporate all of the new changes to merit badge requirements for 2024.

09/02/24 - New Cub Scout Shooting Sports Adventures.

Added support for all new Cub Scout BB Gun, Archery, and Slingshot Adventures for all levels.

06/30/24 - All New Cub Scout requirements for 2024!

Updated release to include all new Cub Scout Requirements and Adventures.

06/20/24 - Added new Girl Scout Badges and Requirements!

Updated release to include all new Girl Scout Badges for 2024.

02/20/24 - New Merit Badge requirements for 2024.

Updated release for TroopMaster to incorporate all of the new changes to merit badge requirements for 2024.

02/24/23 - New Merit Badge requirements for 2023.

Updated release for TroopMaster to incorporate all of the new changes to merit badge requirements for 2023.

03/02/22 - New Merit Badge requirements for 2022.

Updated release for TroopMaster to incorporate all of the new changes to merit badge requirements for 2022.

02/18/21 - New Merit Badge requirements for 2021.

Updated release for TroopMaster to incorporate all of the new changes to merit badge requirements for 2021.

06/19/20 - New Feature! MB Counselor Console.

The Counselor Console is a new Menu Item that will allow MBC's to login and have access to view/update Partial Merit Badges for scouts that they have been assigned.

Counselors do not need any added permissions to do this and can be in the default Users password group with 'none' access to everything. All that is required is that your MBC has the Adult Checkbox checked on their personal data screen, a BSAID, the badges they teach selected, and to be selected as the counselor on the individual scout's Partial MB screen.

Also added is a Partial MB Message Post. You will now see a Messaging Icon beside each one of the scout's Partial MB's. To enable this feature, you must first view the File>Settings>Preferences screen and select either an individual leader or Email Group to be notified when a new message is posted.

When a message is posted on a Partial MB, the counselor assigned to the badge, the scout (along with their parents if cc'd), and the global designee will be sent an email notifying them a message has been posted and will also display the contents of the message. The scout and counselor will also have a reply URL they can click to add a new message to the post.

NOTE: Counselors using this feature will not have access to any other screens or information in the system unless the administrator specifically assigns them to a group with a higher level of access/update authorizations in the system.

02/15/20 - New Merit Badge requirements for 2020.

Updated release for TroopMaster to incorporate all of the new changes to merit badge requirements for 2020.

05/27/19 - Internet Advancement 2.0

Added support for BSA's new Internet Advancement 2.0 interface (formerly Scoutbook Lite).

03/15/19 - New Merit Badge requirements for 2019.

Updated release for TroopMaster to incorporate all of the new changes to merit badge requirements for 2019.

02/15/19 - Ledger - Finance tracking added to Web 2.0 and TM 2.0 (desktop).

Our new Ledger addition to the system now incorporates full finance tracking for your unit. Track checking, savings, cash, and individual member accounts. Track dues as well as other payment schedules. Also handles reserve accounts to earmark funds for upcoming events/activities. Track unit equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, merit badge booklets, and more. Includes over 20 new reports.

07/20/18 - Web 2.0 for Girl Scouts and American Heritage Girls.

Our popular Web 2.0 system now available in versions specific for both Girl Scout and American Heritage Girl units.

02/08/18 - New Merit Badge requirements for 2018.

Updated release for TroopMaster to incorporate all of the new changes to merit badge requirements for 2018.

01/30/18 - New Additions to Web 2.0.

Response to our new Web 2.0 has been overwhelmingly positive but, we didn't stop there.

Click here to see a list of some of the new features we have added since it's initial release.

07/10/17 - PackMaster Web 2.0 - Available Now!

A full new version of our PackMaster Web solution is now available. The new version is a complete, standalone solution offering full functionality and reporting capabilities combined with the convenient access of a web-based system. Click here to view the new program in action.

05/02/17 - PackMaster Web 2.0 now in Beta Testing.

Our new PackMaster Web 2.0 version is currently in beta testing. If your unit would like to help test this new version, please email us and we can set up a free test account for you:

02/14/17 - New Merit Badge requirements for 2017.

Updated release for TroopMaster to incorporate all of the new changes to merit badge requirements for 2017. New Exploration MB added.

01/03/17 - New Cub Scout Advancement Requirements for PackMaster!

PackMaster updated with all of the latest BSA advancement requirements for 2017.

Instructions and a link for the new update can be found on our website at:

11/01/16 - TroopMaster Web 2.0 - Available Now!

A full new version of our popular TroopMaster Web solution is now available. The new version is a complete, standalone solution offering full functionality and reporting capabilities combined with the convenient access of a web-based system. Click here to view the new program in action.

05/15/16 - New TroopMaster Web - Coming Fall 2016.

A full new version of our popular TroopMaster Web solution is coming this Fall. The new version will be a complete, standalone solution offering all of the capabilities of our current TroopMaster desktop software and TroopMaster Web (including full reporting capabilities) and adding tons of new features as well. View a sneak peek of the upcoming release here.

01/05/16 - New advancement rules for boy scouts.

TroopMaster is now updated with all of the new boy scout advancement rules, including all of the new rank requirements, and new Merit Badges for the new year. For scouts who choose to continue working from the older books, the old advancement requirements are still available as well.

07/01/15 - Enhanced Bulk Email and Texting now supported from desktop, web, and TroopMaster Mobile.

Quickly and easily keep in contact with your members through Email or Texting. Easily contact specific groups of members (e.g., All Parents, specific patrol, etc.).

06/01/15 - Nova/STEM and National Outdoor Awards.

TroopMaster and PackMaster now provide detailed tracking for all of the Nova and National Outdoor Awards. Many requirements for National Outdoor Awards are automatically credited by the system as your scouts completed specific merit badges or other requirements in the system.

06/01/15 - New advancement rules for Cub Scouts.

PackMaster is now updated with all of the new cub scout advancement rules, including all of the new rank requirements, and Adventures for all levels. Second year Webelos can also choose to continue working from the older books as well. Both advancement options are fully supported.

01/12/15 - FREE Mobile App now available for all TroopMaster Web and PackMaster Web users.

ToopMaster Mobile and PackMaster Mobile now allow you to access and update unit data directly from your iPhone, Windows Phone, or Android device!

Perforated "Pack Awards Ceremony Award Card" Paper! Order Now!

Finally! PackMaster has the ability to print Awards Cards! In a matter of minutes, PackMaster can produce all of the Award Cards for your Pack's Award Ceremony No need to fill them out by hand, simply generate the Pack/Den Awards report, sign the cards, and you are ready to go. See our Product Listing for more information.

Perforated "Court of Honor Award Card" Paper! Order Now!

Finally! TroopMaster has the ability to print Awards Cards! In a matter of minutes, TroopMaster can produce all of the Award Cards for your Court of Honor. No need to fill them out by hand, simply generate the Court of Honor report, sign the cards, and you are ready to go. See our Product Listing for more information.

Perforated "Blue Card" Paper!

Just what you need for Summer Camp. Our new Perforated "Blue Card" paper and TroopMaster will allow you to print hundred's of Merit Badge Blue Cards already filled out in just minutes! See our Product Listing for more information.